Thursday 16 September, 2021 3-4:30pm BST
Simon Elsworth
Global Head of Experimentation, Whirlpool
Like Lukas, Simon has recently made the switch to a company that is less well known for its culture of experimentation. Simon has joined Whirlpool, from Sky – which has built an enviable reputation for its culture and high values it places on experimentation. As you’ll find out from Simon Whirlpool is far more than a manufacturer of white goods – it’s driving real innovation in people’s homes – in almost every country in the world.
Talk – In experimentation, what does ‘career progression’ actually mean?
Whatever stage you are in your career, Simon looks at these important questions
- How do you make your start in experimentation? What skills do you need? What are the pro’s and con’s of agency vs. in-house? How do you get the first test out?
- What Simon does all day as a senior leader in experimentation
- Where next and how do we get experimentation a seat at the Board?